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Health questonnaire (pijnmeting Engels)

Health questonnaire (pijnmeting Engels)

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In this ward we record the levels of pain that the patients suffer. This is done in order to obtain a better understanding of the level of pain that patients experience. This information helps us as accurately as possible to match the pain control with the level of pain that the patient is experiencing. In this ward, we ask three times a day all the patients to grade the level of pain that they are experiencing. We use a method for this where the patient gives a number for the level of pain. This is because the patient is the only one who can tell if there is pain, and if so, how bad it actually is. As it is difficult to indicate in words the level at which the pain is being experienced, a number is given by the patient to help to record it. This information explains how you go about giving your level of pain a number.

The pain number

When the nurse comes to you, give her a number between 1 and 10 that represents the level of pain you are experiencing, if any. 0 represents no pain, and 10 represents the worst level of pain you can imagine.

No Pain Worst pain imaginable

0 ------- 1 ------- 2 ------- 3 ------- 4 ------- 5 ------- 6 ------- 7 ------- 8 ------- 9 ------- 10

You can never give the wrong number. It only concerns the level of pain that you yourself are experiencing. For example, if you consider the pain level to be a 5, then just give a 5, even if you think that somebody else might give the same level of pain a 3 or a 7 for that matter. If you are not experiencing any pain, then give a 0. If there is just a little pain, you could give a number between 1 and 4 for example. If you are experiencing a lot of pain, you could give between 7 and 10.

Tip 1

When giving a number for the level of pain, it is a good idea to think back to the level of pain you experienced earlier, so that you can compare it to the pain your are now experiencing.

Tip 2

If you are suffering from pain at various places on your body, just give the number for the pain that you experience as being the worst.

Tip 3

If you only suffer from pain a specific times, when urinating for example, then just give the number for the level of pain that occurs at that time. However, you must not forget to tell the nurse that this number is for a pain that only occurs at a specific time.


Naturally you can discuss the level of pain you are suffering with the doctor or the nurse at any time and you don't have to wait until you are asked to give it a number. If you still have questions about giving a pain number, don't hesitate to ask for more information.

Foldernummer: G20
Laatst bijgewerkt op: 20-08-2024

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