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Verloskundig Centrum CuraVita

Informatiekaart Epidurale verdoving (Engels)

Informatiekaart Epidurale verdoving (Engels)

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Epidural information card

This card is a summary. Please discuss anything that is not clear with your anaesthetist.

Setting up your epidural

Advantages of an epidural

Possible problems with your epidural

Risks of having an epidural or spinal to reduce labour pain

Type of risk

How often does it happen?

How common is it?

Significant drop in blood pressure 1 in every 50 womenOccasional
Not working well enough to reduce labour pain so you need to use other ways of lessening the pain

Not working well enough for a caesarean section so you need to have a general anaesthetic
1 in every 8 women

1 in every 20 vrouwen

Severe headache 1 in every 100 women (epidural)

1 in every 500 women (spinal)
Nerve damage (numb patch on a leg or foot, or having a weak leg)

Effects lasting for more than 6 months
Temporary: 1 in every 7000 women*

Permanent: 1 in every 80.000 women *

Very rare
Epidural abscess (infection)


Epidural haematoma (blood clot)
1 in every 50.000 women

1 in every 145.000 women

*1 in every 360.000 women
Very rare

Very rare

Extremely rare
Accidental unconsciousness 1 in every 100.000 women Very rare
Severe injury, including being paralysed *1 in every 350.000 women Extremely rare
The information available from the published documents does not give accurate figures for all of these risks. The figures shown above are estimates and may be different in different hospitals.

Foldernummer: E35
Laatst bijgewerkt op: 12-03-2024

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