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Spoed Eisende Hulp

Immediate payment of care at the Emergency Room

Immediate payment of care at the Emergency Room

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You are at the emergency room (ER) of the Van Weel-Bethesda Ziekenhuis, for a non-life-threatening medical problem and you don’t have any Dutch insurance certificate, EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card) or an E-111 care certificate. This means that the hospital is unable to claim the costs for your treatment at a health insurance company. This means that you’ll have to pay the treatment first, after which we are happy to help you. The ER nurse will help you process the payment.

This information is about the prices used by the Van Weel-Bethesda Ziekenhuis per specialty at the ER. These prices have been determined based on national guidelines. The prices apply for one consult, including a standard examination and / or treatment.

This price is an advance payment. After you have completed your visit, the actual costs of your visit will be known. You will receive the final invoice afterwards, from the financial administration. The advance payment will be deducted from the final amount.

We would like to remind you of the fact that you won’t receive any treatment if you are unable to pay.

Please see the rate list for the applicable prices.

Rate list / Price list


Type of visit


SurgeryOutpatient€ 250,-
Internal medicineOutpatient€ 300,-
PediatricsOutpatient€ 300,-
OrthopedicsOutpatient€ 250,-
Gynecology Outpatient childbirth€ 550,-
Other specialtiesOutpatient€ 200,-
All specialtiesDay admission€ 750,-
All specialtiesClinical admission 1 day€ 1.125,-
All specialtiesClinical admission several days€ 2.500,-
In case you are referred by the gerneral pactitioner for a lab- or X-ray examination you will be charged with the following cost to be paid in advance.
LaboratoryOutpatient€ 40,-
RadiologyOutpatient€ 50,-

Foldernummer: B37
Laatst bijgewerkt op: 14-05-2024

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